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By supporting the Foundation, You help us to save memory places and artifacts that are left over by the activity of KL Auschwitz – Birkenau concentration camp from being forgotten. Our shared cooperation will help to save those silent witnessess of the tragic events for future generations.

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Category: News

The authorities of our Foundation had the honor to host mrs attorney Monika Krawczyk, CEO of Foudation for Protection of Jewish Heritage in Poland, dr Piotr M.A. Cywiński, director of Auschwitz-Birkenau National Museum in Oświęcim and mr Piotr K. Kadlčik, president of Jewish Communities Society in Poland. Visit of representaives from institutions with such great role in forming cultural and historical awareness both in country and out in the world, is great distinction for us.

The meeting had a work character, and it's aim was to present the Foundation. Our Guests have become familiar with the profile of our activity, achievements to this day and nearest plans. A choice of items from the collection of our founder has been presented, to show it's variety and merithorical character. During the meeting, our guests had the chance to see administered by our Foundation bath building from ex sub-camp in Jawischowitz in Brzeszcze, and ex abode of Female Penal Company in Budy. At the end of the visit perspectives of mutual cooperation were discussed.

This visit is extremely important happening for us, constituting certain stage of our activity. Management of the Foundation render Its thanks to mrs attorney Monika Krawczyk, dr Piotr M.A. Cywiński and mr Piotr K. Kadlčik for visiting our Foundation and for their time.