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By supporting the Foundation, You help us to save memory places and artifacts that are left over by the activity of KL Auschwitz – Birkenau concentration camp from being forgotten. Our shared cooperation will help to save those silent witnessess of the tragic events for future generations.

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Category: News

City Council by the Resolution No. XXXIII/331/13  of 1 October 2013, decided to transfer our Foundation in use for 25 years part of the site of the former subcamp Jawischowitz, a subsidiary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Given area is part of the City Park in Brzeszcze, which preserved the original objects of the former camp infrastructure ie bath building and a lamppost. They are in their original locations from the period of activity of the camp, which significantly affects their unique cognitive nature and history of the sub-camp for Jawischowitz. In the vicinity of the lamppost there are located two replicas of figures of miners, the originals of which are in the Auschwitz-Birkenau. These originals were made by prisoner from subcamp of Jewish origin Markiel Jacob (Jacques Markiel). Markiel was born in Lodz in 1911 after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow he continued further education in Paris, where the war got to him. In 1943, after the arrest he is transported to Auschwitz, and then sent to work in the mines subcamp Jawischowitz. With plastic abilities fired from his job at the mine, to the works of an artistic nature. He did a variety of decorative elements of the camp including the aforementioned sculptures and decorative items for the SS and prisoners.         

As part of its business Foundation of Memory Places Near Auschwitz-Birkenau intends to protect this unique place, and make its story closer to us. Foundation will operate with Given area as part of its statutory activity and in accordance with the applicable administrative area. We are currently awaiting the signature of the notarial deed on   the basis of which the ground will be handed down to us.

The authorities of the Foundation addresses it's   thanks to the City Council at the hands of its   Chairman and    Municipalities Brzeszcze for taking our Foundation co-operation and their confidence.
