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Support the Foundation

By supporting the Foundation, You help us to save memory places and artifacts that are left over by the activity of KL Auschwitz – Birkenau concentration camp from being forgotten. Our shared cooperation will help to save those silent witnessess of the tragic events for future generations.

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Foundation of Memory Sites Near Auschwitz-Birkenau

Concept Program


The name "Memory Sites Near Auschwitz - Birkenau" identifies areas of the work of Foundation. The first of these is geographical, and defines Near Sites surrounding area of the present State Museum Auschwitz - Birkenau. These are the areas of the former sub-camps, farms, businesses operating in the administrative system of Auschwitz, that after the liberation of the camp have become part of public and private space and   it remains so to this day. Another essential element is the memory of the near sites. The purpose of the Foundation is that they occurre in a public space, as a Memorial Sites. Places where   people suffered and died, and the perpetrators of their ordeal they were ruthless. Building this memory is completing picture of the scale of work for death factory in Auschwitz - Birkenau.   


The Foundation was established in 2013 in order to save objects and artifacts related to the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - Birkenau and its sub-camps, that remain in the hands of private individuals.

The initial area of activity around the camp system and sub-camps of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - Birkenau, was far more expanded than the current Museum. Many of these souvenirs stay  beyond the control of the conservators and requiresimmediate care.

To achieve this objective, and to keep as much of the next generations, the Foundation will raise funds for their maintenance, protection, preservation, and promotion. Do not let those exhibits, which fate is often determined by accident, be gone forever.       

The mission of the Foundation

Custody of the collections

The main task of the Foundation is widely understood, specified by provisions of Polish law and the Code of Ethics of the International Council of Museums, the protection of the objects and artifacts related to the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - Birkenau.

The Foundation protects collections of the founder and is working on acquiring yet another existing memorabilia.

This task requires a lot of resources associated with the acquisition of artifacts, as well as their proper maintenance in accordance with the applicable rules of conservation. Only in this way we are able to keep those artifacts  still existing. Complementary element of protection is their storage facilities with appropriate storage conditions. Another task of the Foundation is to develop collections entrusted to comply with applicable regulations for museums.   Creating a modern, electronic records, taking into account the specificity of the collections   will allow their proper describement and efficient movement in the catalogue for accumulated resources..    

Popularization of the collections

Realization of this task consists of many elements. One of them is exhibiting developed collections both on their own exhibitions and created in cooperation with other museums and cultural institutions in the country and abroad. Popularization is also education, research and publishing activities.

Exhibition Activity

Preserved   objects and artifacts of the former concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - Birkenau should be protected, but also exhibited.  Carrying  exhibition activitiesrelated to the history of the Holocaust, genocide, and camps, we are going to share the collection with all those who would like to talk about the history of the concentration and extermination camps and the greatest crime of the last century, which was a genocide, and the Holocaust. The Foundation is open to different forms of cooperation:   creating exhibitions, rental entrusted resource for exhibitions, sharing photos and materials related to the artifacts.        


Through the presented artifacts we are going to show those who visit us, what were the sub-camps and Auschwitz – Birkenau itself. We present artifacts in a specific context, conditioned by historical circumstances that accompanied them, which together form a coherent story.

Education is also exploring Memorials, because one of the next tasks of the Foundation is to organize study tours, workshops and lessons in the area. Only contact with the historical places and artifacts that come from these places is able to arouse in the public sense the scale of activity Auschwitz - Birkenau and its sub-camps.

Complementing these activities will be the organization of and participation in training courses, seminars, conferences and lectures related to the history of the Holocaust, genocide and camps.  

Scientific Activity

The first stage of object recognition is their description. This is the basis for the study of artifacts and their role in the functioning of the camps. Research on the subject, as a product of deliberate human activity, are the basis of selected disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. In this current form the modern historical research fit very well. Cognitive value, which the collection represents is essential to study the history of the Holocaust and genocide. Many objects in the collection did not end their history with the liberation of the camp and the end of the war. The vast majority were working on in the post-camp reality, determined by the consequences of the war. With this in mind, Foundation is trying to gather all the information about the artifacts, both related to the functioning of the sub-camps, their post-war fate and circumstances obtaining them. Therefore, one of the tasks of the Foundation under the popularization of the resource is to initiate research on the assigned artifacts.  


In carrying out   statutory tasks of the Foundation intends to conduct business publishing. We are anxious that the publications are created as part of the Foundation's own projects and in cooperation with other entities. We want to broaden the knowledge about the history of the system sub-camps of Auschwitz - Birkenau and deliver it to the public.


To be able to fully realize our mission, we are aware that only cooperation with others will achieve fully intended purpose. Therefore, the Foundation is open to any cooperation related to our activity. We also have a lot to offer.



By supporting the Foundation, You help us to save memory places and artifacts that are left over by the activity of KL Auschwitz – Birkenau concentration camp from being forgotten. Our shared cooperation will help to save those silent witnessess of the tragic events for future generations.

Please send any of Your support in form of donations directly to the Foundation's account number.

Fundacja Pobliskie Miejsca Pamięci Auschwitz-Birkenau
KRS 0000454495
NIP 549-243-58-05
REGON 122876574

Account nuber:


PKO BP 42 1020 2384 0000 9202 0168 0271

The Foundation was established in 2013, it's purpose is to save things, leaving and artifacts related to ex Nazi German concentration camp Auschwitz – Birkenau and it's sub camps, that are currently in private hands.

Primary area of activity of the whole camp systems and all the sub camps for KL Auschwitz – Birkenau was far more expanded than only today's area of the Auschwitz – Birkenau National Museum. Many of these souvenirs are still out of any conservator surveillance, and are in need of immediate help. To realise that aim, and to save as much as possible for the next generations, the Foundation's purpose is to raise funds for their conservation, preservation, making them secure and widely – known for the public.

Detailed information of the Foundation activities can be found in our statute and concept

Directorate of the Foundation

Agnieszka Molenda - Chairman

Artur Ciągała - Vice-chairman

Agata Kukla - Secretary of the Foundation


Council of the Foundation

Paweł Molenda

Paulina Molenda

Dagmar Kopijasz 

Media Service

Grzegorz Samborski (photos and movies)

Promotion and development specialist

Piotr Świąder - Kruszyński


Foundation members

Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk

Grzegorz Siuta

Eric Champault the representative of the Foundation in France




Foundation of Memory Sites Near Auschwitz-Birkenau

Bór 67 street

32 - 620 Brzeszcze, Poland